The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

This is Fascism

Generating conflicts.

Power of mind.

Election corruption and rigging.

Critising Liberalism of work.

Mounting turmoil.

Starvation and mounting strikes.

Collapsing governmental systems.

Creeping sinister undertones.

Uneven national consciousness.

Power of mind.

Potential violent flashbacks.

Improvised countryside.

Lines and lines of starving people.

Mounting tension as the

mountains turn pale and then white.

Blood-like flags raised on the streets.

A failed Boslfick revolution.

Power of mind.

Revolution thunder in people's eyes.

Anti-social behaviour on the rise.

Police unable to cope,

Army unable to fight back.


Oppression. Hated. Anger.

Oppression. Hated. Anger.


Lines and lines of starving people.

Power of mind.

Urban cultures brushed into the ground.

Hated governmental figures.

Dispairing beggar's faces.


Anger rising.

Anger rising.

Anger rising.


Election corruption and rigging.


Power of mind.

Liberalism of tears.


Burying then mourning.

Burying then mourning


Lines and lines of starving people.


Anger rising.

Anger rising.

Anger rising.


Collapsing hospitals.


Power of mind.

Turmoil and riots breaking.


Cities burning,

Cities burning.


Rejection of knowledge gained over the centuries.

Violent flashbacks.

People falling to their knees.

United covering themselves in blood.


Mass suicide then mass murder.


Power of mind.

Despair then rejected.

Revolutionary hearts - flags burning.

Fans whirling in the heat as people are killed.

People killed.

People killed

as Politicians laugh and laugh

their dining rooms.


The sky hot and humid.

Power of mind.

The moon light and full.


Writing their tears in other people's fear.

Writing their desires in other people's blood.


Not just the war.

Not just the story of one starving victim.

Not just the disease that struck a country.

This is Fascism.


◄ Death 'From the 7th Seal' comes acalling (Version 1)

Freedom ►


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