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Biba — 1967

for all that appears, or seems —

Shadows behind the sun echoes, echoes within words,
Meanings stuck in transit, Music of the Byrds.
Brimming lives at stake, my friend, as all hearts ache.
Years pass, like phantoms, passions of the heart,
Silence breeds silence, the Pink Faeries played their part.
Forget what you remember, give and never take,
Rip the veils off the mysteries, Shhh a lady on a lake,
Mirror wind that shakes the trees, nudge us into spring
Endings lost and friendlessness pleads, begs, yearns to be
Lying at the heart of the mystery, perceptive & free,
Half-created by the stillness of the seas, skies, heavens above
Outside, the garden of skyi delights. Forgetting is so simple:
Days evaporate away, a glimpse, a gleam, wrap around a dream,
This is a ghost written elegy, for all that appears, or seems.






◄ April showers

Setting off ►


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Stephen Atkinson

Wed 3rd Apr 2024 22:41

Days evaporate away, a glimpse, a gleam, wrap around a dream,
This is a ghost written elegy, for all that appears, or seems.
Some stunning lines, as always, John. 👏

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John Marks

Wed 3rd Apr 2024 20:10

I'm glad that you liked it Beth. John

“If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.” – Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

<Deleted User> (35860)

Wed 3rd Apr 2024 01:07

Wonderfully overwhelming poem John, thank you.


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