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Carry On, Oh Fellow Voyager

From where comes your strength, oh fellow voyager,

when your steps are heavy and your heart sorrowful?

Do you look high to the skies and implore the celestial for assistance?

Do you look deep within and ask for an outpouring of solid will?

Do you crawl into a corner and breathe until you feel an opening for resurrection?

Every being finds strength in their own way.

Even collapse can be the foundation for renewal.

Never give up, I say,

or even in the giving up,

keep a tiny eye out

for a flicker of hope.

Hope is our rainbow.

◄ Look Up to the Sky

Butterflies Alight ►


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Stephen Gospage

Sun 14th Apr 2024 09:00

A superb poem, Hélène. It restores faith and gives us all hope.

Rose Casserley

Sat 13th Apr 2024 21:34

Helene do NOT stop writing-loved this poem-thanks

Rose 💋

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Thu 11th Apr 2024 20:02

ChatGPT (Artificial Intelligence)

I don't use it to write or type poetry. But I use it for practical information&advice.

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