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Those Sultry Summers

Those Sultry Summers


Those sultry summers are here again

with afternoons of siestas and teas.

The only sound is that of rustling palm fronds

in a gentle sea breeze.

Curtains are drawn and blinds pulled

to eliminate the glare of the sun.

A distant radio can be heard 

playing the rythm of a tango from yesteryear.

Memories of one's youth begin to emerge

in the fashion of a day dream.

The melancholic beat of the Argentine dance

with voluptuous women clad in exotic styles.

Sleep wafts into the bed chamber

as the world is temporarily abandoned.

A gentle start to awaken one's heart beat

as the fragrance of jasmine pervades the room.

Tranquility gives way to the thought of tea

with a chocolate eclair to revitalise the soul.

Such is a summer's muse

on a sultry summer's afternoon.

◄ A Cockpit

I sat and listened..... ►


<Deleted User> (35860)

Tue 16th Apr 2024 14:02

Very much enjoyed this lovely poem Keith,

Folks, do not go to Malta as I did recently, and had to sit under the ceiling fan, for most of the stay-PHEWW!


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keith jeffries

Tue 16th Apr 2024 13:07

Thank you to all who 'liked' and commented on this poem. I appreciate your interest.
Thank you again,

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 14th Apr 2024 17:22

A lovely, atmospheric description, Keith. (Sultry summers seem to start earlier - 25°c here last Saturday!).

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Manish Singh Rajput

Sun 14th Apr 2024 17:00

"Tranquility gives way to the thought of tea
with a chocolate eclair to revitalise the soul." Wow, exquisite! Nicely done, Keith, as always.

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