The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

 Boy on a Stoop


The boy sits on a stoop watching in quiet solitude

As a person rushes by with an impassive attitude

Eyes staring straight ahead to avoid any activity

Perhaps afraid of what by chance he might see

He’s missed the shadow dancing across the street

With graceful rhythm she moves her skillful feet

A woman smokes on the fire escape far above

And farther up come the coos of a morning dove

But the taxi driver doesn’t care as he lays on his horn

And the guy on the bicycle flips him off with scorn

Soulful sounds of a saxophone beginning to play

Adds to all the music the street creates everyday

The city has a way of incorporating its own beat

And if you truly listen it’ll make you tap your feet

So, he sits on the stoop listening and keeping time

Then starts singing the words he’s chosen to rhyme

He doesn’t know or even cares if it sounds that good

It connects him to life, and he’d sing forever if he could

◄ Struggling With Those Two Roads

Bucket Of Love ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 16th Apr 2024 18:02

A beautiful poem yet again, Tim. The boy sure does possess a very vital skill at a young age i.e., paying Attention to Details. The imagery in this excellent, for a moment, I was the young boy as I read the lines.
"He doesn’t know or even cares if it sounds that good
It connects him to life, and he’d sing forever if he could," is a wonderful ending to it. This is surely one of my favorite poems of yours.
Thank you.

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keith jeffries

Tue 16th Apr 2024 16:17

A poem which generates an incredible urban atmosphere. A poem which takes the reader directly into the scenario described. I have read it four times. I don't often do this.

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