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Waking moments

Waking Moments

We linger and luxuriate in those first moments before rising,

a time to allow thoughts free rein and to meander.

Dawn seeps through those crevices betwixt curtain and wall,

silhouettes takeΒ on the clarity of shapes.

The veil of night is gradually banished before our sight,

a new day beckons our attention and activity.

Yet we remain a while longer holding fast to forgotten dreams,

as new hopes emerge from the secrets of slumber.

A neighbour's car disturbs the peace of dawn,

a bird sings then flutters away to begin its day.

So too must I rise and shine and embrace the world,

reluctantly leaving those sheets and bankets of such warmth.

I abandon my cocoon and with a large spoon

fill the coffee pot to the brim, piping hot.

◄ I sat and listened.....

A Seagull ►


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keith jeffries

Fri 19th Apr 2024 17:06

Thank you to all who 'liked' and commented on this poem. I appreciate this level of intererst from fellow poets as it further encourages me to keep on writing.

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Stephen Atkinson

Wed 17th Apr 2024 22:54

I love a hot coffee & a good poem, Keith. Thank you! πŸ‘

Rose Casserley

Wed 17th Apr 2024 17:57

Loved it your royal Keithiness 😁 when in my winter invaded bedroom and my uncaring alarm does its ringing best to annoy me I make a quick off the cuff vow

that I WILL arise and go now once I have performed a countdown from one hundred
prob is
is that having counted down to one I have this deceitful habit of demanding a recount πŸ˜„

yes! I AM mad!
yep great poem Keith

Rose πŸ’‹

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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 17th Apr 2024 14:14

An excellent poem that's filled with authentic moments of rising and the things that linger on. The last few lines would even wake up a lazy person back to life.
"So too must I rise and shine and embrace the world,
reluctantly leaving those sheets and blankets of such warmth.
I abandon my cocoon and with a large spoon
fill the coffee pot to the brim, piping hot."
A great read!
Thank you.

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