Strolling Players
I spoke of fear and conjured it
a coil of smoke into a vent,
a spark inside an oily pit
flamed oxygen within a tent.
Like breathing is to living
intoxicants abound,
our fears are unforgiving
we hide yet still are found.
Is it best to face the beast
when to cower seems the way,
to fight when hope has all but ceased
to rise and seize the day.
We can and must resolve our hearts
to beat against their fade,
tis not for us to choose our part
in which the game is played.
David RL Moore
Wed 24th Apr 2024 06:36
Thanks Landi,
I am not saying there haven't been times when I have lost heart and retreated from my conscience.
I used to practice my trade in an state of disconnection (which was difficult for me even then) I surpressed my emotions in order to survive both physically and mentally. I learned later in life that to live in such a state is damaging to some (not all) it depends on what you can live with in your head.
Consequently I slowly changed my attitude and awareness toward my own actions which opened a gate I can no longer close. It is a kind of awakening but also at times a curse.
PS, thanks for the likes folks.