The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Boy and His Boat Named Bill   

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Alone and afloat on the sea of tranquility, so peaceful, so warm and still

My boat is my friend, I call him boat, but he likes to go by the name of Bill

I don’t ask him why that name because when I do his mood turns sour

We’ve been drifting for a very long time, many days or perhaps an hour

Time drifts lazily like the sea with no beginning or end, it’s just here now

Making me ageless, sometimes old, other times young, changing somehow

Sometimes when Bill (The Boat) isn’t talking I speak with the boy in the sea

He makes funny faces and makes me laugh because he looks a lot like me

Someday I’ll have to drift back to my home that is if I can remember where

But I know I will miss the floating boy who’ll never talk just quietly stare

Will I be recognized when I finally come floating back to the ones, I left ashore

Or will they wonder who this stranger is that has come calling at their door

Will they wonder why this salty sailor left his trusty boat and the tranquil sea

After so many long, long days or perhaps an hour will they recognize it is me?


◄ Bucket Of Love

Desolation of Life’s Despair ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Sat 27th Apr 2024 12:15

"Will they wonder why this salty sailor left his trusty boat and the tranquil sea
After so many long, long days or perhaps an hour will they recognize it is me?"
A great end to a tremendous poem. Reflecting back on good-old-days always brings a smile on our face, but your question, "will they recognise me?" is definitely and inevitably a dreadful feeling you get when you visit a memory after a long long time.
Excellent my friend!
Thank you.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 26th Apr 2024 17:12

Tim I like the sentiments of this. Returning to a place of early years is a thing I have done in recent years which has resulted in a collection awaiting publication. It is a rich seam for poetry as your piece readily shows. Well done!


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