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Love Song

I release myself from everyone and everything,

hey, it's not my job to make you feel better,

(although I would love it if I could),

I'm just working on raising my own vibration,

you know, getting my frequency tuned in to all that's good.

Maybe that will help raise your vibration too, who knows,

but really that's your job, you know.

You take care of you,

I take care of me,

that's the ticket to harmony

I do believe,

we have no business in each other's business.

But you know I love you, darlin'

so here's to good vibes all around,

here's to stellar frequencies.

I think they're playing our song on the radio,

it's a happy groove,

wanna dance?



◄ Evening Reverie

Essence ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 30th Apr 2024 03:59

Haha, I loved this, Hélène! I loved how it ended. "You take care of you,
I take care of me," is so important in a relationship.
Thank you.

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Landi Cruz

Mon 29th Apr 2024 16:57

The freedom to dance...

The freedom to love what is good for goodness' sake...

"The desire to be loved is the last illusion. Give it up and you will be free.” - Margaret Atwood

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