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Treacherous Tattoo

A name that once

Meant everything,

Is now slowly



Sitting on

My back,

It claims to be


When I look at it

In the mirror,

I feel the



I’m reminded

Vividly of the

Memories that

Made me and

The person that

Abandoned me.


The days that

Snatched the

Tenderness from me,

And made it hard

For me to further

Trust anybody.


I was near to me

And yet distant;

A part of me

Embraced the ink,

And the other

Part of me

Wanted to



Maybe one day,

I’ll be able

To look at it

In the eye

And say that,

You're just on

My skin,

I no longer feel you

From within.



◄ Psychiatric Hospital

How? ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 30th Apr 2024 04:41

Teenage is such a complicated stage of life, it often makes one do senseless, stupid things such as tattoos. I feel that getting a tattoo on your skin is a huge step, you are letting something artistic be a part of your body for the rest of your life (atleast until it fades away), so, it needs to be thoroughly thought out, twice or thrice, and then be done.
All the mistakes, experiments and experiences of teenage only mould us for the further stages of life is what I believe.
Thank you for the comment, Graham.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 29th Apr 2024 19:06

Great subject matter. Marked for life one chapter at least!

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