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Endurance is a flower
A bulb in winter’s depth
A rare-repeated wonder:
A sin we must forget.

In this-world-of-my-creation
In this world-of-make-believe:
Cancer, the death of children,
Are falling autumn leaves.

I see a road before me,
A road I walk in vain,
A road through Trawden, Lancashire
A road that has no name.

All roads lead to heaven
And all roads lead to you
And all these roads are empty
Of eyes of deepest-blue.





◄ "Beauty awakens the soul to act." Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)

The Armenian Genocide 1915 - 1923 ►


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John Marks

Tue 7th May 2024 23:36

Blinkin eck Bethany I have an all int I? I press delete, a receive a string of gobbeldy-gook code, nothing is deleted, I forget about it and carry on. There's more if the buggers. Could be a metaphor for something or other? I dunno. John

<Deleted User> (35860)

Tue 7th May 2024 17:26

In all my years of being a wol'er, I have never read a poem as stunningly brilliant as this one John, and I doubt I ever will, unless you raise the stakes-WOW! AND BLOODY NORAH!


P.S. think we've caught the comment repetitive bug John, it happened to me earlier today?

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 7th May 2024 07:29

Exceptional poem, John. Really good.

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