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The Old Smoothie

There’s the old smoothie, turning on the charm.

Hunched behind his desk, far away from harm.

He doesn’t seem to care or give a toss

About the lives that he condemns to loss.


There’s the old smoothie, targeting Ukraine.

Oblivious to death, amused by pain,

He knows the masses have nowhere to hide

And are fair game if they live on that side.


There’s the old smoothie, planning his attack;

Eyeing up his victims, watching his back.

For him it’s not an issue where bombs fall,

Or whether what he hits is large or small.


There’s the old smoothie, gathering his spoils.

He cracks a joke; the enemy recoils.

He preens himself and fancies to impress;

And then he chucks more rubbish on this mess.


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Stephen Gospage

Thu 9th May 2024 08:15

Thank you Graham, Manish and Bethany. It was depressing to see the fawning crowd (including, inexplicably, the French Ambassador) welcoming another six-year appropriation of power and swallowing his alternative universe.

And thanks to Nigel, Hugh, Holden, K Lynn and RA for liking this.

<Deleted User> (35860)

Tue 7th May 2024 11:10

Without any doubt whatsoever, Stephen, Lucifer is here in human form. There again, these are the atrocities, that even the Devil wouldn't be likely to commit.

Payback, has his card stamped for sure-the !!!!! B!

Brill piece!


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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 7th May 2024 09:23

Brilliantly crafted and witty. I liked the title chosen here, Stephen, we can never forget what he has done and is doing, as written in the last stanza, "He preens himself and fancies to impress;
And then he chucks more rubbish on this mess."

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 7th May 2024 09:17

He does have the sort of face you want to slap doesn't he! Let's hope someone does sooner than later!

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