Compulsion to box
Dream never forgotten,
even in adulthood,
me aged 6,
in clouds with
telephone to ring
Grandmother in Heaven.
Conduit to otherworldly
out of sight
people and things,
triggered my fascination
in memory objects.
Collapsing and combusting
past and present,
these portals help
connect us with
the now gone.
Compulsion to box
everything up when
Mum passed away.
All I could
think about, at
that time, were
lever arch files.
Eleven red boxes
to be precise,
to box up
years worth of
ephemera and brochures
from travels abroad.
Despite compulsion to
box everything up,
memories in my
museum of display,
method of loci,
my memory palace,
hidden from sight
dormant in boxes
prompted sea change
in archive fever.
Compulsion to make
dead on-display objects
fully functional again.
Reanimate the archive.
Use that mug,
drink from cup.
Anti souvenir sitting
just gathering dust.
Make memory objects
come alive again.
Ventriloquist objects surviving
fine without operator.
If what they
stand for is
so precious, that
memory will live
on in our
minds when these
objects pass away.