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A Quiet Sunday

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The streets breathe 
slow and deep
tree branches sway
in the humming heat
A quiet Sunday
a balm for all our souls

Some toil in the garden
some wander up the hill
on the edge of town
the view from here
is a kiss from God
A quiet Sunday
a balm for all our souls...

◄ First Light

On The Train This Morning ►


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Tue 21st May 2024 11:50

Thank you Keith, Rose, Stephen & Stephen for the generous and encouraging comments.

I've been very short on poetic inspiration in 2024, so this month I've been forcing myself to write a poem every day without fail. I wrote this one sitting in my car outside the supermarket on a very peaceful Sunday in Sheffield. I quite liked it, so thought I'd share...

Thanks also to John, Tom, Hugh, Blackrose, Larisa, Holden, Auracle and Patricia for reading & the 'likes' 😃

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 21st May 2024 08:37

A splendid poem, Tom.

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Stephen Atkinson

Mon 20th May 2024 23:00

the view from here
is a kiss from God
Lovely stuff, Tom

Rose Casserley

Mon 20th May 2024 19:01

Thanks for yet another great read Tom

Rose 💋

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keith jeffries

Mon 20th May 2024 15:59

A poem which speaks of tranquility and contentment.
Thank you for this,

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