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Pater Noster

Pater Noster


The words of the Lord's Prayer are generally known by most people,

certainly those of my own generation and today's church goers.

Familiar words recited in school assemblies and on other occasions,

with the emphasis being on the words Our Father, a prayer said by all.


It is often said without much thought being given to its words,

as it has become all too familiar and said so frequently.

It is recited out of habit with little thought given to its profound nature,

as it resounds around a building and inside our heads.


If we break down its various pieces we can ponder on their significance,

what these words mean to us and what they imply.

Which part of this prayer, if any, is the most important part?

People differ in their answers but for me my attention is drawn.

to the words 'Thy Will be Done'. as they seem to stand out alone.


We are asking that God's willl is done overriding our own will,

a handing over of our own free will into his hands.

This can bring about a conflict of wills,

but in saying these words we are submitting to the will of God.


These words challenge us but as we dwell more on their significance,

we come to see that God wills only what is good for us.

I say the Pater Noster at least once a day and have come to

accept that I can happily live with the will of God taking precedence.


It is all a question of trust


◄ A Temporary Tenure

In a Blaze of Glory ►


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keith jeffries

Fri 24th May 2024 10:24

Thank you to all who read and commented on this poem, also tthose who expressed likes. I appreciate your interest.

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Wed 22nd May 2024 11:52

As many people have noted, religion and spirituality can be viewed as entirely distinct (eg religion=adherence to doctrine, vs spirituality=belief in Universal (Divine) Love). If spirituality is defined as belief in Universal/Divine Love, I would wager that even an atheist (=no belief in a godhead) can be a deeply spiritual person. In my birth family of 5 Catholic siblings (all attended 8-12 years of Catholic school, including daily mass), 1 remained Catholic into adulthood, 3 are atheist or agnostic, and 1 (myself) became Protestant. But all 5 of us are spiritually-inclined. I am hugely fond of the Rosary and the Our Father and my Catholic background seeps out when I spontaneously make the Sign of the Cross during conversations about one's troubles. Really enjoyed reading this poem Keith! (Yeah, Telboy, I too sermonize a bit in my poems I will admit, a captive audience after all, lol.)

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Tue 21st May 2024 22:28

Poem or sermon? You do the math!

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keith jeffries

Tue 21st May 2024 14:02

Thank you for your comment. Violence committed in the name of religion is often a cover for an ulterior motive. Many think the present conflict in Gaza is about religion when in fact it is about land. Religion is a convenient label to use and an excuse and divert people's attention from the real cause of a dispute. Religion is also synonymous with an institution which is unfortunate as I don't think Christ would approve of what the Church has done historically, especially on the grounds of moral theology, It is not the Faith or belief that is in question but the way it has been made manifest by man into an institution.
Thanks Graham,

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 21st May 2024 12:51

I am a Sunday School attendee throughout my boyhood, now a disillusioned agnostic!
Along with many of those with a similar viewpoint I struggle with how there is so much violence committed in the name of religion. Everyone’s religious viewpoint cannot be right but so many incredibly awful events carry a religious label as if such atrocity is redeemable. Trust is often a threadbare shirt!

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