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I have no thoughts, no feelings,

No desires, no ambitions, no appeals.

But my heart still yearns for His light,

For the guidance of Allah, the All-Mighty.


I am not an angel, nor a prophet,

Just a humble soul, His servant, His pet.

I have given up on worldly things,

My life now a prayer, my heart His wings.


I don't chase vain desires,

I don't covet what's not meant for my quivers.

I trust in His plan, His wisdom, His will,

For He is the Best of Planners, the Most Compassionate, the Most Skill.


I put my faith in His infinite grace,

In the knowledge that He will never forsake.

I am but a vessel, empty and pure,

Waiting for Him to pour His love, His cure.


My efforts may be small, my steps faltering,

But I know that He sees, He hears, He's calling.

And so I keep on walking, keep on striving,

For I know that in His eyes, I'll always be thriving.


I surrender to His will,

For it is the surest path to peace, to still.

I am but a speck of dust on the sea,

But in His hands, I am the master of the universe, free.


So here I stand, with my heart open wide,

Waiting for His embrace, His loving stride.

For I know that in His mercy,

I will find my purpose, my place in history.


And when the day comes, and my journey's done,

I'll join the ranks of the righteous, the chosen ones.

For my faith, my trust, my surrender,

Will be the jewels that adorn my crown, eternal, forever.


Explanation of the above poem 



The speaker in this poem has undergone a transformation, surrendering their desires and whims to fully rely on their belief in a divine entity (which they refer to as "Allah Almighty" throughout the poem). They have rejected materialistic pursuits and renounced any part of themselves that did not align with their newfound faith. Despite this, they remain hopeful and trusting, putting in their best efforts while maintaining a sense of anticipation for Allah's intervention. Their actions suggest that they believe their life is part of a greater plan and that they are playing their part in it.


The speaker's use of the word "surrender" is significant, as it implies complete submission to a higher power. This can be seen in lines like "I have surrendered completely" and "I follow the guidance of Allah Almighty." The poem also emphasizes the speaker's lack of desires or wishes, highlighting their focus on their faith and their connection to something greater than themselves.


The speaker does not deny the existence of worldly pleasures, but acknowledges that these are not for them. They are not seeking to become saints or ascetics, but rather to live a life that is in harmony with their beliefs and their understanding of God's will. By letting go of what they do not truly need, they are able to cultivate a deeper connection with their faith and find peace within themselves.


The idea of "a bigger plan" and "a superior endeavour" further reinforces the notion that the speaker perceives their life as part of a larger narrative with a purpose beyond their own understanding. This is reflected in the line "Its all going to be in my favour ultimately," which suggests that they trust in the ultimate outcome even though they may not always know what it is.


The use of the word "favour" is also interesting, as it implies that the speaker sees their relationship with Allah as a reciprocal one. They believe that by following Allah's guidance and playing their part in His plan, they will be rewarded in some way. This could be interpreted as a form of bargain or exchange, but the poem suggests that the speaker does not see it this way; rather, they approach their faith with humility and trust.


Overall, the speaker's message is one of surrender, trust, and hope. They have given up their individual desires in favor of a deeper connection to something greater, and they believe that by doing so, they are participating in a larger, more significant plan. Their faith provides them with a sense of purpose and direction, even as they navigate the uncertainties of life.


◄ Echos of the soul

After the storm - Remal, the tropical cyclone ►


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