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On the Mend

Hands that firmly

Cupped my face,

And lips that

Imprinted love

All over me,

Every single day,

Have begun to

Slowly drift away.


I can’t really make

Her stay,

Though I extremely

And in the most

Sincerest of ways

Want it,

I can no longer

Have a say in it.


I have seen eyes

That used to once

Carry love for me,

Rolling away;

Hiding the scarcity

Of what was.


Someone had once

Told me that

Two people

In love,

Or one amongst

Them will be

The only reason

For the cause

Of their separation.


No new person,

Namely an interloper,

Can gather the power

To take over,

Until he’s given.


I have seen eyes,

Those pretty, round,

Marble-like lovable eyes,

And soft, firm hands,

Gripping a face

That I could

Eternally hate.


She smiles

While I try to,

I live while

She tries to;

She can, but

At the same time

Can not defend

That when one

Calls it an end,

There are no

Two broken hearts

To mend.


◄ Heartstrings

Debut ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 28th May 2024 09:52

I'm so overwhelmed by the comments that this poem has received. Keith, Tim and Graham, I can't thank you enough for all the support and guidance that you have provided, it means a lot to me!
And thanks to all those who liked this.😊

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 28th May 2024 07:04

“She smiles
While I try to,
I live while
She tries to”

The strongest lines for me in this heart-wrenching piece! Love or the loss of it, always a great inspiration.


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Tim Higbee

Mon 27th May 2024 12:46

Great poem Manish.
Love is like the sapling that bends to the will of something else. When that will does not remain it takes time to regain the best path for growth. Poetry is great for self-examination or at least
allowing personal insights to the best path for growth. Your poems show great insight and understanding.

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keith jeffries

Mon 27th May 2024 12:13

I enjjoyed both the style and content of this poem. They complimented each other.
Thank you,

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