The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Like a serpent the fireโ€™s flames flick at the air

Sensing something curious lingering quietly

In the smokey realm floating above the glare

Between the hazy vision of dreams and clarity

Flames continue to dance on burning carcasses

Of sacrificial logs, anointed with oil and set aflame

Their wooden bones glow as their body diminishes

We do not shriek in horror as we watch their frame

Consumed by fire, burning until collapsing into ash

We cannot turn away, we are spellbound by the sight

Captured in the allure of the flame and sporadic flash

That splits the shroud of darkness that conceals the night

Even when the skeletal remains are nothing more than coals

We stay, transfixed by the sight of the glowing of eternity

As if what we see are all that remains of the transformative soul

The sacrificial flames have exposed the essence of our mortality


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Rose Casserley

Mon 27th May 2024 15:51

I can almost feel the heat! Brill poem Tim ๐Ÿ‘

Rose ๐Ÿ‘

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Manish Singh Rajput

Mon 27th May 2024 15:25

As I visualised the lines written in this poem, I saw the enigma of death and afterlife unravel. A topic that in a way has always drawn my attention. A great read yet again, my friend. The last line sums everything. Superb stuff!

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