The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Passion Poem

To perturb or disrupt your content

I do not intend

Attribute an unsatiated frustration

To my obtruding orientation

As the Spirit aspires delivery

For eternal moments to be

The body attempts conspiracy

So ruling passions don’t see

Thus rooting my soul

Digressing from goal

Creating equational frustrations

Growing desires and temptations

Since my summer is pertinent

Suasion is imminent

And so the need for your chivalry

Outweighs my nobility.


Inner Conflict ►


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Patricia Ziel

Thu 30th May 2024 11:58

Thank you for your kind words Martin and Graham.

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Martin Elder

Thu 30th May 2024 10:20

Beautiful poem in which I can feel the intended passion

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 29th May 2024 21:26

There are some lovely words in this piece Patricia, the final two lines particularly. Good work!


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