The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Cultivated Curiosity


When I was young I was curious and asked why

Most often what I received was a look and a sigh

My mother would tell me that’s just the way it was

I would ask my dad why, but he’d answer just because

My curiosity continued to be cultivated by ambiguity

Making me question even more the things I would see

We live in a world that is full of smoke and mirrors

I’ve questioned the definitive answers through the years

And found there isn’t much that’s truly set in stone

Don’t be fooled into believing everything you are shown

Behind the curtain of life’s illusions there stands a man

Pulling levers and throwing switches, doing what he can

Working his magic to enhance the vision he’s trying to sell

Watch carefully for every slight of hand has some kind of tell

When you have children teach them to question what they find

Teach them about the smoke and mirrors and to trust their mind

Show them how to look beyond the illusion in things that they see

Mold them to be independent thinkers with a cultivated curiosity



◄ just a human

A Thought About a Thought ►


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Patricia Ziel

Sun 30th Jun 2024 14:00

So relevant, I most definitely was subjected to "just accept".
Great work! I am going through some of your work posted, most of it very relatable, so most likely there will be more comments from me. No need to respond to me!

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Tim Higbee

Tue 11th Jun 2024 13:41

Thank you, Stephen and Martin for your comments. Always much appreciated. Yes, Martin, I had The Great and Powerful Oz in mind when thinking of the illusions of today.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 11th Jun 2024 08:33

Well done, Tim. It's not easy to write in rhyming couplets but you have pulled it off. Curiosity is so important, looking behind the curtain as you say.

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Martin Peacock

Mon 10th Jun 2024 23:44

"Behind the curtain of life’s illusions there stands a man

Pulling levers and throwing switches," makes me think of the wonderful wizard of Oz. And the Dominic Cummings of this world. These are the one to worry about, not the Galloways, Sunaks and Farages. Well said.

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Tim Higbee

Wed 5th Jun 2024 13:24

Thank you, Manish and Helene, for your thoughtful comments. Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to like this poem and to others who have liked other pieces of mine. I appreciate it greatly.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 4th Jun 2024 15:00

I love the title and the poem and it's meaning that's conveyed so beautiful. We often learn it the hard way to comply with what's been provided to us, though we deserved more, we deserved answers, and therefore, a new part of us is born and is adamant to give all the answers and lessons learnt to the next of us.
I could very much resonate with this poem. This topic was something that always occured to my mind but I failed to bring it to the page. Through this poem, I calm that part of me. Excellent, my friend!
Thank you.

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Tue 4th Jun 2024 14:49

Awesome poem, Tim! Well written with a wonderful message. Curiousity, open-mindness--makes life interesting and can even increase compassion.

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