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In the Land of Nod

In the Land of Nod


As sleep arrives I enter into the Land of Nod,

where dreams unfold in random ways.

A disjointed scenario plays itself out,

flitting from one place to another,

as a butterfly flutters and setttles on a new leaf.

Nothing is planned as the stage is unprepared,

th plot not yet discerned or thought about.

It can be a time of vivid colours,

or black and white with grey in between.

I am often in the past with friends long since gone,

or at some event in new surroundings.

It can be a time of anxiety as the day past,

is relived with even worse consequences.

Often I am on a beach searching for someone,

or in a pensive void of eternal waiting.

Then in a split second I am back in the Army,

having lost some of my kit before an inspection.

Salacious thoughts arrive full of promise to seduce me,

to which I yield into the arms which beckon me.

My grandmother often arrives unannounced,

to warn and scold me for being naughty.

A shool report read by my father as he vents his anger,

I will never amount to anything he predicts.

Daylight invades the room and my dream film draws to a close,

its memories forgotten yet a few retained to ponder on.

Another night of time travel in a mind rich in resources,

A myriad of life in wild reckless abandon.

Seldom is one dream worthy of note or any significance.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 5th Jun 2024 04:09

An intriguing piece of dream's enigma written excellently, Keith.
Thank you.

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