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Day 3

Ive anticipated writing today.

Day 3 was different.

I ate more fruits,

drank more water.

worked out for the first time

in months.


i allowed myself time 

with myself.

it felt nice.


unitl of course..

"how is your day going"

i wonder if they really want to know


are they making sure i havent 

strayed to far from them.


i wonder if i should play into this.

should i talk to him?

should i still give him an insight on my life?


I responded to that message from yesterday.

"okay, trying"

nothing more, nothing less.

but the truth is..

i  wont   try   hard. 


i still think that my aura should be 

shared with someone who wants

 to             absorb it.

not someone who wants to 

        store it.


i am certain about something.

i dont want to lose this feeling,

the im

o  k  a  y 





◄ Day 2

Day 4 ►


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