Strange City
It's a Strange City, reoccurring in my dreams
I appear in different places
At different times
I always recognize it
I look out and see where I have been
It exists only in my dreams, filled with people and no one
They are faceless
Sometimes they are manikins
I can see it when I close my eyes.
The House doesn't exist in the city
The City changes as I move through it
Like The House doesn't it adds onto itself, growing as real cities do
Growing in a way that no city does
I go back occasionally, there's no control over these dreams
I'm only lucid in Nightmares
Nightmares don't last
It's a strange city, although it pretends to be a regular city
Tim Higbee
Fri 7th Jun 2024 16:53
I like the concept. It would be a great one to explore more.
Lots of room for the expansion of expressive thought.
Interesting place, your strange city. Well done, M. Lane