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The realm of silence 

The fear that holds the anger at bay

The power in the mold of confinement 

 Shaping the form of the stretching skin

Propagating the art of destruction 

Held captive in the black hole of toxic purification 

The darkness residing in the central act

accelerated mal-alighned obedience 

Architects commissioned from the noxious gases

Speaking from the blood soaked cloth

Vanquishing hope through the white noise of constant sorrow 


◄ 4 scores

Lovely ►


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New Shoes

Mon 10th Jun 2024 04:41

Thank you sharing Ghazala. It's important and is appreciated!

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Ghazala lari

Mon 10th Jun 2024 04:19

At times people feel helpless due to the pressure from all ends. In a society like ours, it's a taboo for females to live their dreams. If they try doing so society labels them differently.
Although either way people are tagged and rebuked by those incapable individuals who can't showcase their abilities and talents, probably they never worked on it, therefore there is complete lack of talent.
Biased opinions, crooked notions often damage others irrespective of what a group of people feel as their right to moral policing others.

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