The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


In this universe where divine hands guide,

God did choose the two, intertwined by fate's tide.

Time merely a vessel to bring them together,

Their reunion a destined bond, immune to sever.


God's army awaits, ready to descend,

Upon those who dared to anger, offend.

No disruption shall alter the course set in motion,

For God's will reigns supreme, a steadfast devotion.


Visions bestowed upon the chosen few,

Even unto the unholy, a message to construe.

Doubt not the signs, the whispers of tomorrow,

Embrace the divine plan, banish all sorrow.


Jealous hearts, beware of your envy's sting,

God's path unfolds, a harmonious string.

For if not chosen now, fear not the fate,

A greater purpose awaits, do not debate.


Watch your steps, your words, and deeds,

Beware of manipulation, where darkness breeds.

God's wrath unforgiving, a force to reckon,

Choose wisely, for your actions beckon.


In this life, let faith be your guide,

Trust in God's design, where truths abide.

For in the unfolding of destiny, we all play a part,

In God's grand symphony, let love be the heart.


◄ Choose wisely

She's so dangerous 🤪 ►


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Sat 15th Jun 2024 07:23

It's so reassuring to hear your thoughts on forgiveness and redemption. It's true that we are all capable of making mistakes and finding our way back to the light. And what a beautiful interpretation of duality as divine manifestation! It's a reminder that even in the midst of struggle, there is a deeper harmony at play.

As for being mindful, I couldn't agree more. It's easy to get caught up in our thoughts and daily routines, forgetting the present moment and the beauty that surrounds us. Taking a step back, focusing on our breath, and simply observing the world around us can help us cultivate a greater sense of peace and clarity. It's like cleaning out the mental clutter that often clouds our judgment and prevents us from truly living in the now.

Perhaps we could practice mindfulness more. Next time you feel overwhelmed or disconnected, just pause and take a few deep breaths, together with nature. Perhaps we could even find a quiet spot in nature, where the sounds of the wind and the rustling leaves can help ground us and remind us of our place in the grand scheme of things.

Thank you Patricia Ziel.

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Patricia Ziel

Fri 14th Jun 2024 23:21

Yes, yes, yes and no for God's wrath. I believe in forgiveness and redemption, but if we can forgive ourselves when faced with Truth? I also believe that God, Source, One, is "All That Is", and that means duality is divine manifestation.
Thank you for the reminder to be mindful!

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