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I want so badly to just be me

but im scared of rejection

people not accepting me


see do people really accept me 

or do they only accept their version of me


am i being my true self or am I playing a false version of me


Do people truly like the real me

or do they only like the parts of me they want to see


Do people really see me

or do they only accept the parts of me they want to see


I wonder if people can see the real me

or if I hide behind a false self

because im too scared to be that true self

the only one I see


If I show my true self

will people still accept me


what if they reject me

the true me only I see


mental health

Emotions ►


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Martin Peacock

Fri 14th Jun 2024 07:56

I can identify with this closely. I'm 66yo and going for my 1st of 2 interviews for an assessment of autism next week. I've spent all my life thinking the very thoughts you wrote about above. It's called 'masking', apparently - feeling like you never fit in and trying desperately to do so. I hope you find some resolution to your worries. No-one deserves to feel like that.

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