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The Sky is Crying With Heavy Rain

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I address our Lord with a prayer.

Get us free of any evil and a liar.

Let me have enough food and bread,

So that my children could be fed.


Let the hearts of my family and friends

Never know any hurts and pains.

Keep them away from dirty hands,

And welcome the miracle of mains.


The sky is crying with heavy rain,

We have forgotten how to live.

Profit has become the main.

You don’t know whom to believe.


It seems to me we were bought,

The whole world is on sale,

Anyone can be easily caught

And without questioning put in jail.


Everyone goes or crawls his way,

Everyone fights for his happiness.

The body asks how much to pay,

And the soul stays in the loneliness.


We stopped believing in any news,

We learned to measure our life in pounds.

We try to find a beautiful muse,

But, it’s not always can be found.


We often cry over our wealth,

Forgetting to treat our souls.

We often treat our poor health,

Forgetting to darn heart holes.


I would love to have new wings,

To warm my suffering soul.

I love it when my soul sings,

But I only feel the Northern Pole.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska






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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 22nd Jun 2024 05:12

Martin Elder, Stephen Gospage, Stephen Atkinson, Aisha Suleman, Helene, Manish. Thank you so much for liking my poem. Martin Elder and Manish Singh Rajput for commenting.

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Martin Elder

Wed 19th Jun 2024 10:46

I was drawn in by the title of the is piece which has a message all of its own to which you then elucidate so well the rest of what you want to say.
Nice one

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 18th Jun 2024 15:02

"I would love to have new wings,
To warm my suffering soul.
I love it when my soul sings,
But I only feel the Northern Pole."
Loved the poem, really heart-wrenching, but I loved the last stanza a lot, Larisa. Perhaps one of the best stanzas that I've read recently. I could feel the pain.

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