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A grand design

In the stillness of night, I saw them,

All the dreams that danced in my mind,

Whispers of the divine, woven in light,

Guiding me to those who would bring them to life.


Through the veil of sleep, they came to me,

Visions so vivid, messages from above,

A sacred mission, a task divine,

To share with those destined to make them shine.


I spoke in hushed tones, my dreams unfurled,

And magic stirred, the wheels of fate turned,

Each desire, each hope, each wish,

Manifested in the hands of the chosen few.


Allah's hand guiding, orchestrating the dance,

I was but a vessel, a conduit of grace,

Delivering the dreams, a baton passed,

To those whose hearts were ready to embrace.


One by one, the visions found their way,

Into the hands of the appointed souls,

Completing the tapestry of destiny,

Leaving only a few threads for others to sew.


Dreams as messages, whispers of truth,

From the heavens above to the earth below,

A sacred pact, a bond unbroken,

Between the dreamer, the doer, and the divine flow.


I stand in awe, humbled by the sight,

Of dreams fulfilled, of visions brought to light,

Knowing now that these dreams were never mine,

But a gift from Allah, a grand design.



Explanation of the above poem 


The poem is about the interplay between the dreamer and those who bring their dreams to life. The dreamer has a vision or dream that inspires them, and they share this vision with others who they believe are destined to make it a reality. These individuals are described as "chosen few" and "appointed souls." The dreamer is merely a vessel or conduit for this divine message, and Allah guides their actions in delivering the dreams to these individuals.


The poem suggests that dreams are not only personal desires or aspirations, but also carry a deeper significance, possibly even a divine purpose. The dreamer is able to discern these deeper meanings and interpret them, serving as a messenger or interpreter of these higher truths. The dreamer's role is not to control or own the dreams, but rather to share them with those who are meant to act upon them.


The poem highlights the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of working together to bring about positive change. The dreamer, the doers, and the divine flow are all part of a grand design, with each contributing their unique role in the fulfillment of the dreams. The end result is a tapestry of shared vision and collective effort, leaving only a few threads for others to sew, signifying that the work is never truly finished and that there is always room for more people to join in the process.


In summary, the poem is about the cyclical nature of inspiration, where dreams are given to the dreamer, who then shares them with others who can bring them to life. It emphasizes the importance of trusting one's intuition and following one's inner guidance, while also acknowledging the role of divine intervention and the interconnectedness of all beings in the fulfillment of dreams.


◄ Finding solace in words

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