The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Ship

It’s a Hell ship

The Inquisition has made this place their home

Careful you’ll be accused

No one seems to know of what, just accused

Pick your Poison

They have it all, even poison.

Unless it's quick, there is no quick here.

Don’t linger, move

Don’t look too long

The Iron Maiden squeezing shut

Two men are becoming stew

Don’t look!

How did I end up here?

Looking up I see myself on the bridge

The bridge that's actually a carnival ride pretending to be a bridge

Is that how? Did I look too long at the ship?

No, no focus.

Avoid the puddle, the blood is very red, too red


Why does the blood look fake?

Are those plastic limbs?

Are they torturing manikins?

Is that inquisitor dressed as a carnival barker?

Why do my nightmares become carnivals lately?

Not that this was scary, not really.

Everything has become grayer recently

And here it’s like my emotions have been turned off

Is it because of the nightmare?

Doesn’t matter, find a bolt hole.

There will be time to think later

Get. Off. The. Ship.

Not the water, Stay away from that

Don’t draw attention


You’re not a manikin, but that could change


Nightmares don’t linger.

lucid dream

◄ Chainsaw Bridge

Junk Dreams ►


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