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20020926 Rolling like a ball

Roll along like a ball
Smoothly, from one scene to the next
Encounter some impediments along the way
It’s a pleasure to observe the miracle of being
Allow me to keep on seeing.
Do I sit and meditate on my prosperity
Ignore the rumblings of war
Just witness or take action
What is the great plan
Do I need to take a stand
Wake up and see
That it’s in my, your and all our hand
To stir a global awakening
Is arming and fighting the proper course
Or will we perish with much remorse
In another shape consciousness will develop
I count on the remorselessness of evolution
To wake up a revolution of love and light
Awakening us to the horrors we’ve created
Still, I see and feel beauty in the splendour of our Mother
Who we so desperately try to destroy
Pillaging and raping She’s been forsaken
The cradle of humanity bleeding and oozing
And we’re still snoozing
Pray may the awakening occur
For human life on earth does not want to expire
Perhaps another experiment in creation gone dire
Lest we buy into the assumption
That the transformation of Man
Is a fact waiting to happen
For there is no limit
To the evolution of consciousness:
Fill my heart with the love, light and the wonder
It’s not a choice
As those who subscribe to their free will
Get lost in the wondrous labyrinth
Called Creation.

◄ Awareness Secret

Praying (February 1997) ►


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Patricia Ziel

Sun 30th Jun 2024 18:43

Thank you for all the likes. Keith I feel very honored with your assessment since I am totally unschooled in 'letters'. I was a Beta girl who dismissed the humanities; found out in my 40's that I needed to write (very sparingly!).

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keith jeffries

Sun 23rd Jun 2024 15:47

A masterpiece of poetry entwined with philosophy and an exhortation for us to act, to remedy what now ails the world. This was not only a good read but a petition to all who read it, that time is running out and we need to find a new avenue to travel down.
Thank you indeed for this,

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