rock, paper, scissors
they say
make like a tree and grow
but I don't know how to stay planted
I don't know
to capture the rain
and let it soak my feet
I dont know why I always choose paper
when scissors are so much sharper,
and rocks
are easier to chaffer.
why blades
can kill *and*
save lives,
stone throws
build homes
"why" means nothing
in the grand GRAND scheme of things
but I still choose paper.
and I think that rocks are sadists.
that scissors lay wager.
that I'm always safe
with paper.
it cuts
but never deep enough to remember.
it holds things
thoughts and ideas that don't matter
letters just rearranged
to form fog around your brain
and there's always
something in the mist
but I still feel safest with paper.
and I think that says
I couldn't stab you if I wanted to.
I'd rather it be me
but in a selfish way
because I live for feeling.
and I'm never done having my serving.
so I fell in love with paper.