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Wisdom and folly

In the midst of the chaos, they came full force,

Assaulting with words sharp as a sword's course.

Their intentions clear, to belittle and mock,

A gang of rogues with venom to unlock.


With knowledge of their plan to do harm,

They stabbed her, causing alarm.

Piercing her heart with words so vile,

Mocking her life, spreading guile.


Thinking they fought the evil one,

Their actions cruel, trying to shun.

Making her cry, seeking to provoke,

Conjuring evil with every spoke.


Satanic and plutonic forces at play,

But it was all part of a divine display.

Unearthing truths hidden deep within,

Their actions inadvertently her path to win.


Had they known the outcome in her favor,

Their weapons of destruction they'd waiver.

Defamation, accusations, insults thrown,

Yet not a single bullet hit her own.


Protected by Allah's highest power's grace,

Evil forces gathered only to deface.

The plan of Allah Almighty, mysterious and grand,

Turning their darkness into shifting sand.


Never judge a soul by the words of the wicked,

For their character is tainted and conflicted.

Wisdom doesn't stem from conjuring or deceit,

But from truth, light, and love discreet.


An army of abusers and oppressors amassed,

Yet she stood alone, unyielding and steadfast.

With prayers, truth, wisdom, and might,

She conquered each battle with resolute fight.


Forgiveness may come, abuses fade away,

But their own darkness exposed in the fray.

Revealing the true nature of their hearts,

The evil within, tearing them apart.


Letting the world witness their sinister schemes,

The satanic tribe, lost in their dreams.

Ignorant fools, consumed by their hate,

But in the end, it was her victory, her fate.



Explanation of the above poem


The chaos around her swirled like a tempest, a cacophony of malicious intent and spiteful whispers. They emerged from the shadows, a rabid pack of wordsmiths wielding their tongue as a weapon, sharper than any blade, aiming to dissect her very soul. Their strategy, as transparent as glass, was to diminish her spirit and cast doubt upon her worth. Yet, she remained steadfast, an island in the storm, unyielding to their relentless verbal onslaught.


Their intentions were as clear as the daybreak, seeking to dismantle her with a barrage of sarcasm and ridicule. Each syllable, a dart thrown with precision, aimed to pierce the very essence of her being. But she was no ordinary maiden, for she had been forged in the fires of adversity, tempered by the hammer of life's trials. Their venomous words merely bounced off her, leaving her unscathed, like a knight in shining armor, her shield of faith impenetrable.


Their plot, a tapestry of deceit and spite, had been spun with threads of darkness so thick, it threatened to suffocate the very air around her. Yet, unbeknownst to them, they played into a grander design, one orchestrated by the Almighty's divine hand. For with each spiteful remark, each attempt to break her spirit, she grew stronger, her resolve more steadfast.


Their tactics, as vile as the deepest pits of hell, only served to illuminate the truth that lay hidden beneath their facade. Their words, once feared, now held the power of a thousand suns, revealing the cracks in their own character, the ugliness within their hearts.


But she, the silent warrior, armed with nothing but her unshakeable faith and the purity of her soul, stood firm against the onslaught. Her eyes, though brimming with tears, never lost their spark of hope. Her heart, though heavy with the weight of their spite, never ceased to beat with the rhythm of compassion.


Each time they threw their insults, they unwittingly planted a seed of resilience within her, allowing her to blossom amidst the rubble of their spitefulness. The darker they painted her, the more vividly her true colors shone through, a beacon of light in the murky abyss of their enmity.


Their power, once feared, now dissipated like a wisp of smoke, as the truth of their nature was laid bare. Their laughter, once the soundtrack of her sorrow, had become the melody of her triumph. They had come to conquer, but in their ignorance, they had only paved the way for her victory.


And so, she stood tall, her head held high, a testament to the power of righteousness and the strength of the human spirit. Her path, once obscured by their malevolence, now clear and bright, shimmering with the promise of what lay ahead. The battle was hers, the war was won, not by the might of her hands, but by the grace of the One who had never left her side.


The world watched as the darkness retreated, the shadows of their spite swallowed by the light of her resolve. The accusers, now silent, were forced to face the mirror of their own inadequacies. And in that moment, she knew that she had conquered not just them, but the very essence of the evil they had brought forth.


For in the grand tapestry of life, it is not the fabric of deceit and despair that prevails, but the threads of truth, woven with patience and prayers, that ultimately compose the most beautiful narratives. Her story, once marred by their malicious intent, now a tale of courage and grace, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of divine protection.


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