The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ballet School

A shame, we had to go, the view was lovely

The room was filthy, in a way that hotels never are in the waking world

The group is large, with friends that I know well

But the day has been long and we all need to sleep

No room at the inn

So on we go

Dream Logic

Follow the cobblestones

Don’t get on the train, it's not safe

A breath at a small cafe, outdoor tables

Raised garden beds, cobblestone and a faceless voice

“Our school has open space. The girls have gone home over break.”

A place to put down our suitcases

A pillow to sleep on

Single beds line the window in two neat lines

Like Madeline

Black Iron and Goose Down

Brick and wooden floor and in my head music…

… my hand moves before I’m awake

Alarm playing a waltz


Dream Journal

◄ Junk Dreams

They Emerge ►


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