The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Area 51

This is a doozy, one of my more crazy dreams

Reese Witherspoon and I flying down Route 66

Singing at the tops of our lungs to Cardi B

Picking up hitchhikers, because nothing bad ever happens when you do that

Dropping them off as we go

Jack Black has been in the back seat three times now

He’s looked like George Clooney once

has worn an outrageous fake orange mustache another time

But it has always been him

This time we pick up an alien

Like from outer space for real reals.

We knew because it told us

“Oh, the next galaxy over” it replied when we asked.

We stopped for pie, to celebrate our new friend…key lime of course.

I blink

We’re in a car chase with our alien friend

The state troopers want the alien to go back to Area 51

The alien was supposed to stay there, but they said it was boring, we totally get it.

Reese and I are understanding like that.

Ok so now we’re running from the state troopers

I blink again

The two troopers that were chasing us are now helping us getaway

Reese is in the back seat with State Trooper number one

They won’t stop kissing

I blink again

We’re now on a picnic with the alien, the troopers, and everyone from Area 51

Saying goodbye to the Alien.

Aliens have to tell you if you get abducted right?


Dream Journal

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Tim Higbee

Mon 1st Jul 2024 13:45

I love crazy dreams; I wish i could dream again, haven't dreamed a single night dream in thirty years. I miss it.
Fun poem.

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