The self
I woke up to the same sound each morning
It's not brids builders pr busy traffic
But a noise from the inside s shout in a empty mind
Not today not today we can do this it's too hard on goes the battle cry
Eventually I tell the inner child we gota get up for there's bills to pay and a life to live
So I stumble to the shower more arguments with myself this time it's the adult self determined to be battle teadt for the day to come
They say this and I say that and on goes the morning routine
Slowing down would be a better solution but todaybthe self has pick delusion
I know better not to get into the ring with my old mind for it's a verten of those wars
I probably need a faith of some kind maybe a therapist a healer or a candle stuck maker
But for know I run out the door rushing to be early to go a place a don't want to be pr the insane has now grown
I stumble threw other day
For it's man mental heatlh month for whatever that means