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To get to where we're going we must
first cross the bones of our failures,
to hear them crunching beneath our boots;

where each one is an ossuary
of the abandoned, charnel house
of mistakes on this arduous trek

as we attempt the challenging path
through this poet's life we've chosen,
hopefully to learn of its secrets.

And we mustn't walk there on tiptoes,
either, but stamp and grind to dust
those bones, or we just betray ourselves,

for only through direct, forensic
contact like this is seen the truth,
that the perfect poem can't exist;

that the next best thing is just to try:
point the pen in one direction
and learn not to repeat past mistakes.

MP 12-186/3724




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Martin Peacock

Wed 3rd Jul 2024 23:31

Thank you all. Yes, one life to live; and hopefully the next poem will be a good one, always. That's the dream. I write because i have to, it's not a choice. These poems are my children, but i am as much a beadle as a parent, and i give them tough love. First drafts are always failures, at best a guide towards that which is yet to come, someday. Ah yes, someday. But will someday ever come? All art is abandoned: there's no such thing as a perfect poem; it is merely the goal towards which i drive them.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 3rd Jul 2024 15:18

To some, a Damascene experience is the easiest way to erase one's past indiscretions.

Poachers turned Gamekeepers are many!

Sadly today's cancel culture seeks to erase the uncomfortable actions of our forebears.

We all have but one go at life, make of it what you will and live with the consequences

All this of course opined from a safe distance!

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David RL Moore

Wed 3rd Jul 2024 14:12


we must if we are to be truthful and willing, split ourselves wide open for all to see. We must dissect our wasteful past (if it is so) in order that we do not waste what little time we have left.

No tiptoeing around our own egos...smash ourselves against the rocks and spill into the greater ocean.

You'll find few takers here... but plenty willing to pass judgement from a safe distance.

Great writing.


Of course one should never return to a lit matter how withering it may seem, limp might be a better definition...yes limp would define it rather better.

Still, a wonderful poem from which nothing should be permitted to detract.

David x 2

Screw CanCult, disclose everything.

Stunning though predictable, how an arbiter for the practise of cancel culture can later decry its existance, "none so blind" they say...oh hypocrisy.

Keep writing, no matter the herodic hand washing.

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Tim Higbee

Wed 3rd Jul 2024 14:05

Love the imagery you've created in this, Leon. An excellent poem.

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