The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lilly's heartbroken lover

When heartbreak strikes, the world collapses in

A thousand bullets pierce the soul within

Head spinning, unable to cope or mend

Only when true love's lost, the pain descends


Lilly's departure leaves a void so deep

Aching heart, unable to find sleep

Sunflower was pushed away, was in pain

You enjoyed her suffering, but had nothing to gain


Realization dawns, where true love lies

Sunflower, a mere thought in disguise

Not out of love, but control and fear

Playing games, shedding a tear


Unearthing secrets, gathering hate

Against the sunflower, sealed her fate

A battalion of haters, to do your ugly deed

Turning her world upside down, indeed


Young hearts crave youthful love, sans wisdom 

Collecting flowers for a false kingdom

Rose for beauty, lily for youth

Sunflower for something deemed as truth


Thankfulness from sunflower's side

Unintentionally truth you revealed, needn't hide

Hateful chase led to unravelling light of day

But you covered the truth, twisting the story in dismay


We should choose to mind our own business well

Silence, is indeed a powerful spell

True love differs from obsession's game

Crying, bleeding, needing, in true youthful love's sweet flame


Obsession a chess match, a fleeting quest

Now paacking bags, searching for the next

Sunflower remains the same, steadfast and true

Letting God decide, what's best for her and everyone 


In the end, we're all just human souls

God's plan unfolding, mending the holes

Sunflower is blooming, under heaven's light

Trusting in the divine, all will be alright


◄ Witches and Angels

The release ►


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