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A Million dreams and a million more.....

The velvet cloak of night, she finds her throne,

A million dreams are hers to claim alone.

The angel wraps her in warm embrace,

And sing secrets of heavenly place.


On wings of slumber, angels softly tread,

To serenade her with their songs of grace,

Their lullabies of hope, of wishes untold,

Weaving dreams that no reality can hold.


Her eyes dance closed, she takes her flight,

Through skies of starlit, moonlit delight,

In realms of color, untouched by dawn's hand,

Where every heartbeat marks a new land.


Her visions are a tapestry rare,

Where joy and peace forever intertwine,

A banquet for her soul to feast,

Where every moment is divine.


Clothed in finery from yonder lands,

Her spirit soars on silent strands,

Where rivers of dreams meander free,

And jewels of thought adorn every tree.


A masquerade of purest kind,

Where angels and souls, intertwine,

They whisper truths to her heart's core,

And reveal life's mysteries once more.


Yet, not all is play and jest,

For in these realms, she's often put to test,

Of warnings cloaked in a moonlit shroud,

Guiding her steps, where dangers crowd.


A prophet in the twilight's reign,

Her dreams foretell the approaching pain,

But fear not, for in their glow,

Strength and wisdom she does gain.


When the night's revelry is through,

Her eyes open to the morning's hue,

Her heart still echoes with glee,

Of divine soirée she's just been to see.


The world may never truly know,

The secret life she leads, as shadows grow,

Her smile, a silent declaration,

Of heaven she's visited each night's duration.


This girl with a million dreams, so fair,

Has angels as her devoted care,

A bond unseen, a story untold,

Her heart beats to their heavenly code.


The world is but a canvas to her sight,

Her dreams, the colors that make it bright,

With every dawn, she steps anew,

Her soul aglow with the night's dew.


In the parallel realm, she has a family unseen,

Whose love is as vast as a starlit screen,

They visit her, a silent entourage,

To bless her with a heavenly village.


In her waking life, she seems so still,

But her spirit has climbed the highest hill,

Where secrets of the universe unfold,

And every night, she's a story told.


A million dreams, a million more,

Each one a treasure, each one to explore,

Her heart, a beacon in the night's vast sea,

Guided by Allah's mercy, visions forever free.


◄ True beauty of hijab

Need blood but they bleed ►


<Deleted User> (57085)

Tue 9th Jul 2024 11:10


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