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The house stands quiet behind its useless walls,

as if a wedding cake cut but not devoured.

Discarded tools and children’s toys, the crumbs of life.

Inside, a stagnant calm of dust breathes for no-one.


Patches of earth curled with weeds.

The scratchings of beasts consumed by men

score the kill pen floor. Men who ate with fingers

greased with blood and vengeful minds.


Veiled women’s screams linger in the stairway,

muffled detonations absorb their sobs.

Imagine the swirl of air, the cordite stench

the settling of the coming silence, until now.


Images that ripple out beyond this frame,

across the jagged mountains and ever-changing seas.

Within this place peace has come...

its displaced rage beats in younger hearts.


Video and Audio available at link below




◄ Chair

The Revelation of Dreams ►


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David RL Moore

Sat 13th Jul 2024 14:36

Thanks for the likes Stephen and Holden.


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David RL Moore

Wed 10th Jul 2024 11:33

I guess we're a long way from Abbottabad in 2024, further than I thought.


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David RL Moore

Tue 9th Jul 2024 20:39

Thanks Tim


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Tim Higbee

Tue 9th Jul 2024 16:42

Strong images and meaningful phrasing. An excellent poem David

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David RL Moore

Tue 9th Jul 2024 11:53

Thank you Stephen,

The poems that mean more to me usually vanish into the ether.


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 9th Jul 2024 06:42

A marvellous, powerful poem, David.

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