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He waddled his way to the Kremlin

As some kind of honest broker,

But anyone watching the horror show

Viewed him as one sick joker.


With his huff-puff of lies and flannel,

He claimed that he came in peace;

If only Kyiv would listen,

The bloody destruction would cease.


Then just a few days later,

Ukraine suffered thirty-plus dead;

Idiots can sometimes be useful,

Or useless, in this case, instead.


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Stephen Gospage

Thu 11th Jul 2024 08:05

Thank you Graham, David and Leon for your supportive comments. The Russian reaction to Orban's 'peace mission' i.e. to bomb the hell out of a Ukrainian childrens' hospital, shows him up for what he is - an irrelevant, far-right windbag.

And thanks to Nigel, Larisa, Manish, Tim, Patricia and John for their support.

<Deleted User> (57085)

Tue 9th Jul 2024 10:59

Not that I wish it to happen Stephen but one possible day who knows these warmongering S.O.B's may end up taking their country into oblivion.

It is definitely the old Hitler scenario all over again and we all know what happened to him and millions of his people who were living under his thumb for far too long and unfortunately paid the price

The world HAS to move on but with Putin now wearing the jackboots what hope is there of that being possible?

God have mercy on and bless the living and dead of Ukraine

Keep the war poem reminding flag flying Stephen👍

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David RL Moore

Tue 9th Jul 2024 08:40


Joker is exactly the correct term for this clown.

Taking his own country in a dangerous direction by aligning himself with like minded bullies.


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Graham Sherwood

Tue 9th Jul 2024 08:01

Are there no depths these people will sink to Stephen. As for idiots they are often the most dangerous as you say!
Recently a Ukrainian female athlete broke a 37-year old high jump world record. Yesterday a Ukrainian female progressed at Wimbledon. Both creditable events sadly swallowed up by this awful mess! It must be sorted out

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