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Crying in the Ladies

I have too many feelings:

Feelings that reach out around me, pushing out, stretching out. 

Feelings that feel like they are going to rip me up from the inside out.

Feels like I have to hold them in, tie them up, bind them tight.


Until they cannot be held any longer.

Cannot be tethered to one simple point and start to spill over.

Out of my eyes they start to flow

Down my chin and through my nose.

Building and building, torrents of feelings 

Gush forth

Overwhelming me until my head is full 

and frothy, eyes; bright and sparkly, face puffed up and no words can be conjured from a closed up throat.


Silence comes and feelings sink back down, driven down by shame and duty. 

And yet my face belies my feelings

The battle scars still red and raw.

A smile of pity from another, 

Not naming, yet knowing all to well, the feelings that fit my face.

Fix my face, fix my feelings, fix myself and on and on and on

Try to keep my feelings filtered next time, or let them lie undone. 


◄ Tempted by the FLOOR

I Can't Breath ►


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