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I cry and you hear me laughing,

I am angry and you see me smiling,

I pray and you think I live,

I tell you the truth and you don’t believe,

I make mistakes and you do not forgive,


I am so weak and you say I am strong,

I am right and you say I am wrong,

I look at your eyes and you look at the floor,

I don’t want to argue and you want more,


I hate and you flatter,

I suffer and you say it doesn’t matter,

I hold out my hand and you clench a fist,

I speak about love and you say it doesn’t exist,

I am happy and you do not see it,


I run and you make me stumble,

I show you my love and you just gamble.

I’ve got so many masks

and you do not try to take them off.


I am an actress and you are watching a film

that is not on the screen but in reality,

the rest is just formality.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska




◄ The Melody of Love

A New Start is Ahead ►


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