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To all of those I’ve ever judged

For we make judgements everyday

When to cross

Is it safe

How high to jump


Fairly arbitrary but based upon a set of rule or logic or fact either in truth 

or against ones own truths

And that’s the point indeed

We judge against the truths we set for ourselves, 

not just those based on stats or facts

But those which grow and grow and grow and twist and gnarl and go back round until every branch is transected by exceptions

So here I begin my apology

Not for judging no, no only judging far too harshly too strictly against bars set by imaginings only

Judged my parents for tasks half finished- why don’t you just get things done

Too worn out to worry about fixing old worn outs

Too much playtime together to waste time tackling loose ends

Judged my teachers for being teachers

Don’t you have more drive

Not noticing that to put up with the nonsense of youth requires far more than I would ever have

The I would nevers, but couldnt they, shouldn’t theys

Try to stop- can’t quite quit

Try to start- don’t start yet

Days pass by and try and try but even I can’t make it high enough

To pass pass by

My imaginings

Those bars we set ourselves

And others

We judge against and fall against and Rail against to try much much  harder next time


Better time spent elsewhere I think? 


◄ Tears not yet fallen

Aching ►


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