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The fisher.

In the vast expanse where sea and sky unite, A lone vessel glides with the morning light. Cast into the depths of fate's endless sway, We angle for hopes that shimmer and play.

Beneath the surface where mysteries hide, We chase elusive dreams with each changing tide. Patience our compass, courage our sail, Navigating currents where destinies prevail.

Through tempests fierce and tranquil breeze, Bound by visions that dance on the seas. Fish dart and tease, yet onward we roam, In this sea of destiny, we find our home.

As twilight paints the heavens in hues divine, We cherish each moment, the thrill and the line. For this journey transcends mere catch and glee, Fishing for purpose, in the depths of the free.

Raise high the mast, let the winds guide our way, In this ocean of dreams, where night meets the day. For the truest prize lies beyond what we find, In the journey we take, in heart, soul, and mind.


◄ Keys for happiness

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