The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Result: Failed and demoted 😭

In the devil's home of arrogance and deceit,

He beat his chest, his ego complete,

Boasting powers over others, so grand,

His hatred towards her, he couldn't withstand.


She, a woman of strength and grace,

Refusing to be a puppet in his twisted race,

He spewed venom, lies, and tales so vile,

To tarnish her name, to harm and defile.


Sworn to demons, he vowed to destroy,

With every lie, his malice to deploy,

Gathering haters to do his bidding,

But his facade was slowly unwinding.


His power he thought was absolute,

Moving pawns on a board, resolute,

But she saw through his facade of might,

Her trust in him vanished in the night.


Failed tests of love, each one exposed,

His lies and deceit, no longer composed,

The community saw through his charade,

Deciding to keep her safe, unafraid.


He didn't deserve her, not as sister, nor wife,

His treachery laid bare, his intentions rife,

Let her be kept from the gang of rogues,

Before they consume her, like hungry wolves.


Failed in love's test, he stood alone,

Demoted from his pedestal, his true colors shown,

Truth emerges when tested with fire,

And in the end, only the purest desire.


◄ The release

Useless pursuit ►


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