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King Leonidas

Haven’t you ever looked at the stars 
and wonder if this really for the better? 

To go through life always worrying, 
Always questioning the gods. 

If everything was all for him, 

My life really wasn’t mine…was it? 
Why did I battle for heaven if 

My fate was already embedded in the stone. 
Held by those witches, cut by their hands. 

Why would he care if I died? 
Ending in the river Styx, full of souls 

Tortured forever by my sins 

Hoping death will come each day 

But each morning it begins… 

First my heart, them my liver 

Till I’m picked clean, feeling each rip 

Each morning the crow will come 
For all eternity…All for the King. 

What’s redemption worth, if that’s it? 
Blood pouring out in the streets; 

All for Zeus, all for Sparta. 
There’s no reincarnation for us… 

No hero, no saviour, no hope. 

Only Hades waits for us to cross. 

Feeding off our blood and tears. 

Death isn’t a beginning, 

Death is not what we fought for. 

Each scream, each tear, each blood drop 

Wasn’t shredded in vein, for our satisfaction. 

It must be all for something. 
Why would the gods punish us so? 

Were we not loyal? Did we not praise you so? 
Yesterday I would’ve died a noble man. 
Carried on the back of my shield to my Queen. 
If I died today, shadowed in arrows…I’d be lost. 

Cast aside by the Persians, lost to their God. 

I’m no sure what lays ahead, but I’m not afraid. 

All I know is one thing, to hold us in, 

Zeus can’t take this king without a fight. 
I will not stand alone, 300 of us will go down. 
I’ll be the last one laughing, pouring my blood. 
I will not die in vain. 
I promise you that. 

- CW

◄ The Journey

Fields of Stars ►


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