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Poem Sat on a Coffee Shop Wall

My wallflower poem is dressed  

ready to be seen 

feeling positive for anyone   

who wants to read.   


My coutured poem scans  

the queuing line 

with eye-catching layout

and comforting rhyme.  


My needy poem comes alive  

when someone's engaged 

then impressed when their expression  

is perfectly changed.  


My vain poem wants to be captured  

by any appliance  

to increase the chance of likes  

from an out there audience.   


My resigned poem knows  

that look of apathy  

as people take more interest  

in collecting their coffee. 


Next person, please! 


poem about a poem

◄ The Sequel 

Edmond Halley’s Place  ►


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John Gilbert Ellis

Wed 17th Jul 2024 10:17

Thanks, Manish and David, your comments nailed where I was going. The poem was born when I saw some people looking/reading a poem of mine on the wall of a coffee shop near me. I didn't want to look, but of course I did!

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David RL Moore

Wed 17th Jul 2024 08:20

An interesting and revealing poem John.

I like the way the author imposes his disposition on the poem itself, as if a workman blaming his tools.

That in itself is revealing and I suspect purposeful on your part. I expect most writers of all standings have experienced such yearnings for their scribbles to be aknowledged in some respect.

Writers write for multiple reasons, I don't suppose any of them are content with limited reviews. That said motivations are varied and not all are exclusively self serving although some seem more obviously so.


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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 16th Jul 2024 18:29

As I read every stanza, I could picture them written on the sticky notes of a coffee shop wall. Very Nice, John!

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