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Summer headlines long ago


Caterpillar on a stone beach wall

its concertinaed wavy crawl,

did hypnotised a boy so small

that breeze snuffed out his Mothers call.


Another hand had taken his

as in the jar the insect sits,

two tiny lives broke into bits

as Seagulls screeched the ages tripped.


Caterpillar on a stone beach wall

that never found its wings at all,

but like the child was stole away

too far from where sweet children play.


Video and Audio available at link below




◄ From Caves to Cages

The Uncertain Journey ►


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David RL Moore

Thu 18th Jul 2024 12:50

Thanks Aisha,


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David RL Moore

Thu 18th Jul 2024 07:06

Thanks to Laura and Holden for their likes on this one.


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