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Cold Sausage Rolls

His nan died in a hospital corridor
His mum says her UC’s a ‘mare
He’s stuck for life in the box room
No girlfriend will wanna come there

He’s scrawled across the middle of a Cross of St. George
In marker, Stop The Boats
He’s been told for so long that’s the answer
A three-word bid for votes

He’s doing the windows, he’s lighting a fire
Chucking bricks at police patrols
He’s marking the murder of three little girls
With a tray of cold sausage rolls


◄ (Untitled)

Doing Time For Nigel ►


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Steve White

Fri 9th Aug 2024 19:31

Thanks Stephen, let's hope he doesn't.

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 9th Aug 2024 17:19

Just the job, Steve. The man himself gets off scot free, as usual.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 9th Aug 2024 11:16

Crikey Steve, more than appropriate-absolutely bang on!😀

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Steve White

Fri 9th Aug 2024 11:01

Cheers Uilleam! You might find this appropriate:

Derek Drummond, 58
Punched a copper in the face
Stole some bricks and threw them straight
He’s doing time for Nigel

Declan Geiran joined the fight
Tried to set a van alight
Admitted arson, as you might
He’s doing time for Nigel

John O’Malley, 43
Helped destroy the library
Now he’s under lock and key
He’s doing time for Nigel

William Morgan, 69
Brought a cosh with crime in mind
His next few years are well defined
He’s doing time for Nigel

England ‘til I die, they cried
With Little Tommy as their guide
Now they’ve got a bit inside
They’re doing time for Nigel

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 9th Aug 2024 10:16

The horror! The horror! Steve.
Horror enough that innocent lives were taken in such a manner; just as horrible is the fact that an MP should abuse his position in what passes for "The Mother of Parliaments", literally inflaming the situation by effectively repeating what have now been proved to be downright lies in the Sewer media.

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Steve White

Thu 8th Aug 2024 17:44

Thanks Stephen!

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 8th Aug 2024 16:23

A brave, challenging poem, Steve.

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