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These days I find it hard to catch

A lady’s eye (more so her snatch)

Until I found this secret ploy

I’ve started wearing corduroy;

Cos when they’ve reached a certain age

They can’t resist it brown or beige;

And, better still, their heartbeat races

If they’re held up by some braces.


This rarely fails but if it does

Fret ye not nor make a fuss

Cos deadly for a silver fox

Are sandals worn with knee-length socks.


You might suggest a meal for two

Make sure to take your teeth with you;

And less the flirting small talk fades

Be sure to wear your hearing aids

And only an unbridled cad

Would not wear a fresh clean pad.


When once her maidenhood she’d lose

To gin or wine or cheaper booze

Now that she’s an OAP

Take her for a nice cream tea;

Cos if you plan to get it in

Forget about that wine or gin

And once you get her home alone

Ply her with jam and cream and scone.



if ardour fails you when in bed

Watch “Frost” on DVD instead.





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John Coopey

Fri 9th Aug 2024 13:19

I wouldn’t bank on getting a lot, Uilleam. You can get them for 50p in the chazzers.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 9th Aug 2024 09:38

Pants for the memory John.
You've resurrected the image of me (60's 70's?) in a corduroy shirt...I've just been assured that I did indeed wear such a fashion item. Might be worth a few quid now in "retro-fashion" shops!

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John Coopey

Fri 9th Aug 2024 00:24

I have on occasion, Stephen, sat on the toilet having forgotten to take my trousers down.

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 8th Aug 2024 16:36

And don't forget to take 'em off before you try, John (not that that's happened to me yet, of course).

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